What can Millennials Learn from “Old Country” Traditions

Reading Time: 8 minutes

A Quick Look on Millennials

Millennials – they seem to be born the day before yesterday, or it may seem that way. They are the generation of free-spirited individuals. We see them as party goers, the digital babies. They are also known as Generation Y, Echo Boomers or the Net Generation.

Teens, twenties and even the early thirties are considered to be Millennials. They grew up in a digital, electronic-filled, solid online and social networked world. They click, post and like every bit of memory that is being shared on their social media accounts. This is the generation that received the biggest attention regarding advertising and marketing. They are also viewed as the generation that is the most ethnically diverse generation.

They are not indifferent, they have a wide range of understanding. The members of this generation are oozing with confidence because they were raised and nurtured with the belief that they are special. They were told by the society to follow their dreams and achieve their full potential.

Although they possess a positive trait and face challenges positively, they are told to be at times arrogant as they are living in the realm of entitlement. They are often viewed as somewhat more optimistic about the future of the world as other.

Magnifying the Millennials

I am inside a coffee shop as I am writing this article. I cannot help but notice the young individuals that are enjoying their freetime with their friends. Groups after groups of millennials (I am assuming that they are millennials since they look almost half my age) are going in and out of this shop.

I admire how they seem to be very happy, like no traces of worries. Enjoying every minute they have with their friends. They giggle and sometimes let out a loud laugh. One unique aspect that I have observed is that, after a few minutes of talking with their friends, they stop for a while and turn on to their mobile phones. A long moment of silence consumes their area. A question suddenly runs through my mind, how can their attention be diverted to something else that quick? Is it a behavior that millennials have or it just has something to do with technology?

I am trying to reminisce my past as I continue to observe these young crowd. During my time, a way to spend our lazy afternoons is by playing basketball. If we are not in the mood to shoot some hoops, we just sit on a bench and share stories. Was it a boring life or we just did not have any other means to spend our leisure time. We share stories and laugh at crazy things that we have done.

Do millennials also spend their time just having a great conversation with friends, without the need to glance at their mobile phones from time to time? Maybe they do, but they just cannot resist the temptation of checking on social media updates.

Millennial World

Millennials may have a limited knowledge of the world, but thanks to the World Wide Web, they have learned a thing or two about their forefathers. The sudden and dramatic changes in technology also made a huge effect on millennials. Just imagine this, before buying a phone was out of necessity, the need to communicate with our loved ones easily. At this time, people buy their mobile phones because of the need to get an updated one, to get the latest. It becomes a purchase out of the want and not the need.

Companies have also started to employ millennials. You will now see young professionals in most departments. They are vibrant and so eager to learn, to do great at work and eventually get promoted. Getting a promotion or getting a raise becomes their major battle cry. Once they feel that things are not on their side, they complain, they get frustrated, they leave and move on to the other.

Is this a positive trait? It shows that they can let go and move on immediately. Or, is this something that we should be worried about?

Millennials are adventurous. They explore the world around them. They want to learn and experience things on their own. They want to see the world – experience different cultures, try new things, taste different types of food and ultimately make memories that they can share.

They are also ambitious. They are considered as big dreamers and achievers. They sometimes view thing unrealistically, but they have great expectations for their future. Millennials are also confident as they have set their goals. They know what they want, how to achieve it and how to make things work.

The collaborative is also another aspect that they possess. They can communicate well, and they can work hand-in-hand with other people. They love to be part of something new, something special and something radical.

Millennials – Culture and Tradition

The Millennials have shown some faith in the institutions and the government. They are also viewed to have a split support on political views. Some are vocal on their stance, and some are not.

I have also noticed that millennials have their way of doing things. They still follow traditions but should continue to strengthen that connection with their customs and culture.

Traditions offer abundant paybacks to our families. Millennials should start to maintain, learn and support their unique traditions.

Traditions provide a source of identity. These unique traditions and rituals tell a story about a family, a community, and a country. These fantastic or sometimes unorthodox traditions can teach children, it teaches a whole generation of where their family came from or provide them with great insights into their cultural or religious heritage.

Traditions matter because it contributes a sense of comfort and belonging. It brings us back in time; it helps us reconnect with people who we have not met or have not seen for a long time.

These are the main reasons why millennials should connect and maintain that bond with their culture, their traditions, their customs and their family.

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